Helping Hands Healing Hearts is a 501c3 non profit organization.
100% of your donation goes towards the programs and services offered to the children in the Philippines.
You can become a monthly donor or give a one-time gift. If you are giving towards a specific project, please specify the project in the comment box and we will be sure to allocate it appropriately.
Bank Details
UK Bank Transfer:
Danske Bank, Bow Street, Lisburn, N. Ireland.
Account Name: Helping Hands
Account Number: 61239074
Sort Code: 95-03-61
UK Cheques payable to: ‘Helping Hands’ and post to:
Pastor David Goudy, 31 Danesfort, Old Kilmore Road, Moira,
N. Ireland, BT67 0SG.
US Bank Transfer:
Peoples Bank in Cullman Alabama, 1912 Cherokee Ave, Sw, Cullman, AL
Account Name: Helping Hands Healing Hearts
Account Number: xxx-xxx-3701
US Checks payable to: ‘Helping Hands Healing Hearts’ and send to: Daystar Church,
200 Daystar Drive, Cullman, AL 35057
Please include a note stating that this donation is designated for
Helping Hands Healing Hearts Ministries.
German Bank Transfer:
Sparkasse Chemnitz, Bahnhofstraße
5109111, Chemnitz, Andreas Kaden.
Account Name: FCM e.V. Usage: Philippines HHM
SWIFT: DE 35870500003530000123 BIC: CHEKDE81XXX